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What Is Astrology?

Astrology is the ancient study of the planets, stars and other objects in the sky and how they relate to us. It is a perceptive science and a science of people. It is the chronology of observations of individual traits and cosmic correlations since time began. Astrology is based on the zodiac, the ancient naming of the heavenly constellations after various animals. The zodiac is divided into 12 signs, which represent 12 distinct divisions of character. There are 12 houses representing human activity. Each house has an affinity with a Sign. Our ten planets radiate their energy through particular Signs and Houses at certain angles. This action creates substantial bearing on the earth and its inhabitants. This energizing of the Signs and Houses results in the kaleidoscope of life. Modern astrologers calculate charts for their clients that not only characterize their personality but also advise the client of their natural talents, abilities, challenges and projections of future activities

Are Your Signs Compatible?

Discover what the stars have to say about past, present and possible future relationships. Learn about the compatibility of your signs, where friction may occur and where true tenderness and passion lies. The stars have the answers to these questions and more! Through our psychic astrologers the stars will speak of love in many flavours; tender love, fiery love, forbidden love, unrequited love and lifelong companionship. Discover the truth about past love, hidden love and future love and find out who is the best match for you through the ancient power of the zodiac. Who knows, your perfect soul mate may be closer than you think - so call now!

Star Sign Compatibility Chart

astrology signs surrounding a phone psychic

Meet Franco – a True Psychics Astrologer

I am 41 years of age. I am clairaudient and clairsentient. I use a birthday and/or colors to discover important aspects of your life. I also believe in the use of prayer and spirituality to bring about healing. I am empathic, which means I can sense the emotions of, and gain a profound psychic connection with, those I speak to. I also have a strong, genuine desire to help people feel better about themselves and to enjoy a deeper sense of connectedness with others. From a young age I have been motivated to share my gift with the world because I believed then, as I do now, that I was put on this earth to help people and give them guidance.

Chat with Franco and others on our astrology reading team We all live in a tumultuous universe of infinite depth, mystery and raw energy. The stars and planets each hold us in their sway, the rhythms and patterns of our lives, force and attraction, cause and effect, are all but a cosmic symphony and we are merely the dancers. All that exists or ever will exist, all that you seek and all that you are, is ordained by those celestial patterns. Life, love, career and new opportunities – all can be revealed to you by those who know how to read these patterns. Call a psychic now for a live, confidential and personalized phone reading. Let us provide you with guidance and advice on the road to true fulfillment.

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